


100% of graduates passed the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE)

83% of graduates obtained employment or enrolled in a doctoral program within 6 months of graduation



100 % of graduates passed the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE)              


在数据收集时, 70% of graduates had taken the National Counselor Examination within 6 months of graduation. 每个学生都报告通过了新高考.

100% of graduates reported an Above Average rating of the the program's faculty overall knowledge of course material 

88% of graduates reported an Above Average rating of the program's effectiveness in preparing students to be counselors 

88% of graduates reported an Above Average rating of the program's faculty support given to students during their time in the program 



威尼斯人娱乐城, the 临床心理健康咨询 program prepares students for success both inside and outside of the classroom. 研究生s have gone on to secure counseling positions in a variety of different settings and students have earned significant honors.


Kiara Tookes-Williams, 23岁

Kiara is currently attending Tennesee State University's Counseling Psychology PhD Program. Kiara obtained both her Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree from 威尼斯人娱乐城大学. 获得博士学位后,Kiara计划 她有自己的私人诊所与一家非营利组织有关联, 以及以某种身份在学院或大学任教. Her future nonprofit organization will focus on underserved populations and offer free counseling services (individual, 家庭, 还有小组辅导. Kiara’s target population will be mainly children and adolescents who have experienced abuse, 但她的服务将适用于所有年龄和个人. Kiara was the receipient of the 2023 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 CMHC Program Student of the Year Award.



Brittany Todd works as a full-time therapist at East Alabama Mental Health Center. Brittany provides clinical services, consultation, and assessments for adults. 布列塔尼负责接待会议, 与其他机构和推荐来源合作, 并将个人与适当的心理健康服务联系起来. Brittany utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Person-Centered Therapy in her clinical work.  Brittany works with clients who have a variety of clinical issues including 抑郁症, 双相情感障碍, 和精神分裂症. 



Rosie is the Assistant Director of Counseling 服务s at 威尼斯人娱乐城大学. Rosie serves and provides the college student population with counseling services through person-centered and evidence-based therapeutic techniques. 此外,罗茜还与史密斯女士密切合作. Ratoya Mason, 20岁, the Director of Counseling and Career 服务s to engage with the student body and provide them with psychoeducational presentations on a variety of topics. Rosie was the recipient of 2023 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 临床心理健康咨询 Program Melanie B. 钱伯斯服务奖. 



约瑟夫在探索连接有限责任公司工作. 在参加我们的项目时, Joseph gained experience providing clinical services to numerous individuals in both individual and 集团 settings. 约瑟夫曾与患有焦虑症的客户打交道, 抑郁症, 愤怒管理, 适应障碍, 药物滥用, 精神障碍, 举几个例子. 约瑟夫认为心理治疗应该因人而异, however it should have a holistic foundation; meaning that the mental, 物理, 情感, social, and spiritual aspects of an individual’s life should be addressed to help them develop a deeper understanding of themselves.



艾莉目前在西乔治亚咨询和评估中心工作. She utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with clients with various diagnoses such as: 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症, 双相, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 创伤, 创伤后应激障碍, 和RAD. 艾莉主要与4-24岁的客户打交道, but also provides services to older clients for 药物滥用 counseling through the Department of Family and Child 服务s. Allie是持证助理专业咨询师(APC).



Jesse currently works for Pinnacle Counseling Center which is a faith-based counseling center that provides individual, 集团, 以及夫妻咨询服务. Jesse provides services to individuals that are dealing with a variety of mental health issues, 主要是焦虑, 抑郁症, 上瘾, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和创伤后应激障碍. Jesse also provides services for couples that are dealing with marriage and 家庭 issues. Jesse says that his main goals of therapy are to provide his clients with a safe and secure environment in order to help them work through any personal issues that may be weighing on their hearts, 并帮助他们解决这些问题, 希望能帮助他们发现最好的自己. Jesse is a 1st generation college graduate and attended 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 for both his bachelor's and master's degrees.



Jessica is a counselor at West GA Counseling and Assessment as well as Willow Oak Community Behavioral Center. Jessica currently provides counseling services to Department of Family and Child 服务s (DFCS) court mandated clients. Jessica says that the 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 CMHC Program professors encouraged and pushed her to find the confidence needed to help her clients make changes in their lives.



康纳是summit Edge咨询公司的心理健康治疗师. Connor has a caseload of 23-26 clients a week and serves clients managing 创伤, LGBTQ+群体关注, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 和多动症. Connor says the 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 CMHC Program prepared him for his current work by giving him a wide variety of tools and knowledge to go into the real world and make an impact in people's lives by aiding them in their healing process.


Caila nine '21

Cailla is a counselor at Discovery Connections where she focuses on bonding and attachment procedures for biological, 收养, 寄养家庭. Cailla帮助客户经历创伤, 物质使用问题, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和对立违抗性障碍. Cailla says the 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 CMHC Program helped her understand how 创伤 can affect 家庭 dynamics and utilizes she obtained in the program to help her current clients.