威尼斯人娱乐城大学 values individuals’ privacy and actively seeks to preserve the privacy rights of those who share information with us. 您的信任对我们很重要, and we believe you have the right to know how information submitted to the College is handled. 

威尼斯人娱乐城大学 does not use Social Security Numbers as a primary way to identify constituents. 

Instead, a unique identifier called the L# will be assigned to all 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 constituents. l#将在所有应用程序中使用, and many business processes throughout the lifetime of an individual’s association with the College. This step is critical in the continuing efforts to reduce the risk of identity theft for the campus community. 

The full policy concerning the use of Social Security Numbers at 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 can be found in the policies section of the Instructional and Information Technology (IT) website linked from the 


威尼斯人娱乐城大学 is dedicated to preventing unauthorized data access, maintaining data accuracy, and 确保信息的恰当使用. 我们努力把适当的物理, 电子, 以及管理保障措施来保护我们收集的信息. 

在一般情况下, all present and past students have the right to personally review their own 教育 records for information and to determine the accuracy of these records. It is the policy of the College that information contained in official student records will not be released to the parent or guardian without the consent of the student unless the student is a dependent of the parent or guardian as defined under section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the student authorizes the release to the parent or guardian. 带照片的身份证件或其他同等证件, or personal recognition by the custodian of record will be required before access is gained. 

威尼斯人娱乐城大学 assures the confidentiality of student 教育 records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. 



  1. 个人行政笔记, 教师, or supervisory personnel which are not accessible to or revealed to other parties; 
  2. 家长财务信息; 
  3. confidential letter of recommendation placed in files before January 1, 1975, 或者那些学生已经放弃访问权的, or 
  4. 医疗, 精神病学, or psychological data recorded by professionals or paraprofessionals solely for their own use in treatment of the student: however, a physician or other appropriate professional of the student’s choice can review such records. 


Student 教育 record information will not be transmitted to third parties outside the College without the student’s written consent, 但以下情况除外: 

  1. 威尼斯人娱乐城:学生姓名, address, 电话清单, 学术专业, 出席日期, 所获奖项, 参加官方认可的活动, 和体育, 重量, 以及运动员的身高. 这些信息将向任何提出要求的人公开. Information which can be released to the public on any student is name, class, 主要, date of attendance; degree earned; 所获奖项; local and permanent address, 电话号码. The above-cited information will not be released if a student notifies the Registrar’s 办公室 not to release information. 
  2. To parents if the student is financially dependent upon the parent (IRS code definition). The burden of identifying such dependency rests with the student or parent. 
  3. 有关申请或接受经济援助的资料, which may be released to official agencies involved in decisions on aid allocations. 
  4. Information released to College officials with a legitimate 教育 interest. 
  5. Information required by federal or state agencies as specifically provided by law. 
  6. Information needed in connection with an emergency to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons, 根据教育部法规授权. 


Examples of “教育 records” maintained on a student may include, 但不一定局限于, 以下几点: 


录取数据, 课程试图, 成绩, 入学日期, 学位授予, 学时及所获奖励-教务处. 


个人, 教育, 以及专业数据, 捐款及礼品-校友办公室及进修办公室. 


Intercollegiate participation data - Athletic Department and Public Relations 办公室. 


违纪记录、违法行为-招生管理 & 学生体验办公室. 


Student employment information and opportunity profiles W-2 cards - Student 金融 援助 



Student’s (Parent’s) confidential statements, 金融 援助 data - Student 金融 援助 办公室. 收费,付款,拖欠帐户-商务办公室. 


目录信息, 对应, biographical data - office of record to which information was provided or 对应 addressed. 





个人评价, 学术评价, employment evaluations - office of record for type of evaluation made. 


行为 records, disciplinary records, and law violations are kept in the Enrollment Management & 学生体验办公室. These files are separate from academic transcripts and are confidential as noted above. In extreme cases where suspension or expulsion for non-academic reasons is involved, an overlay will be placed on the academic transcripts for as long as the function is enforced. This overlay reads: This transcript reflects only the academic record of the student; this student currently is not in good standing and further information should be requested from Enrollment Management & 学生体验办公室. 

注册管理中的记录 & 学生体验办公室 are maintained for a period of seven years from the date of the incident.  Records pertaining to suspension or expulsion are kept on a permanent basis. 学生可以要求销毁他/她的纪律记录. 记录将被评估, and the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Experience will make decision concerning the keeping or destruction of that record.  No record will be destroyed outside of the timeline indicated in the record retention policy.